Understanding the CAP Theorem


The CAP theorem has become one of the hottest theorems in recent years; when discussing distributed systems, CAP is inevitably mentioned. However, I feel that I haven’t thoroughly understood it, so I wanted to write a blog post to record my understanding. I will update the content as I gain new insights.


I read the first part of this paper.

The CAP theorem [Bre12] says that you can only have two of the three desirable properties of:

  • C: Consistency, which we can think of as serializability for this discussion;
  • A: 100% availability, for both reads and updates;
  • P: tolerance to network partitions.

This leads to three kinds of systems: CA, CP and AP, based on what letter you leave out.

Let me share my understanding, using a network composed of three machines (x, y, and z) as an example:

Here, C is the easiest to understand. The concepts of A and P are somewhat vague and easy to confuse.

Now let’s discuss the three combinations:

If the network between x, y, and z is disconnected:

CA is exemplified by Paxos/Raft, which are majority protocols that sacrifice P; minority nodes remain completely silent. CP represents a read-only system; if a system is read-only, whether there’s a network partition doesn’t really matter—the tolerance to network partitions is infinitely large. AP is suitable for systems that only append and do not update—only inserts, no deletes or updates. Finally, by merging the results together, it can still function.


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